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The Mug

Volume 1 Number 1 of The Mug - South Shore's Newsletter! Date: November 5, 1958

The articles:

Note: I've attempted to be as true to the original document as possible. These articles were scanned from a photocopy of typewritten copy. The typo's are in the original copy. There's a lot of insight into the thought that went into the formation of of the Club. As you'll see, Jazz was the order of the day!
One year ago thia month, how many of us would have realized, the weight behind these three words (In more ways than one)? This publication stands as a milestone marking the progress of this club since that fateful November day when six people, having a single common Interest, met at the Delta Grill in Lynbrook with the temerous interest of founding a Sports- car Club which would be different from any other available. The answer to the question as to how successful things have been, I leave to the reader to decide after reading these pages.

First on the order of business was the creation of a constitution, indeed a substantial undertaking. The first snag hit was Article One, the name of the club. Pandemonium reigned until by unanimous agreement the matter was tabled for decision at a later date. However, the ultimate choice of name certainly indicates the efforts of those involved, to he different. The name, by reason of its novelty and controversiality probably has been a very important factor In the rapid growth and development of the club.
continued page 3


I think the best written articles start at the beginning, so at 8:30 the members started to filter in, The costumes were out of this world, they were out... anyway.

The Ball had a bright beginning because our own "Guggsie" was at the door and "SOBER", (He musta been sick).

Before we get too deep into this historical novel let me say the costume judging was a boat ride.

Ike and some other fellows girlfriend, (I can't remember the fellows name), won. Some where about this stage of the party the author started seeing two of everything and thats pretty good 'cause when sober he can't see at all. I think one of the highlites of the party was Jim Mergets Afro-Arian progressive dancing exhibition. He had us enthralled. ( By the way does anyone want to buy a Crosley competition car?) My vote for the evenings best costume goes to Norm and Rona Seider. I'd like to make a suggestion to Norm, don't sell the bra. Kepp eating and you'll have use for it in a couple of months.

I was going to say "in all seruoisness" but I can't spell "seriousness" so we all had some kinda of a ball that nite and what are we doing about the Thanksgiving Costume Ball?

Thanks for struggling thru this article, because while reading it over I think it is harder to read than it was to write.

A.J. Cronin ne A.Levey